Friday, July 3, 2009

A Gift

(Recorded from memory, and had the day before yesterday, in the early-evening.)

I didn't do much "flying around" in this one. There were moments when I found myself in some odd place but for the most part, I remained in my physical body looking through astral eyes. I was laying in my bed, after having fallen into a short nap.

Someone was there. Spiritualists call them "guides". I suppose I could call it a guide. I couldn't see the spirit, or entity, although I could see it's hands.

The hands brought a jewelry box before me. I reached over from out of my laying position, and opened the box's lid. I took a necklace out of the box. "For me?" I thought.

Having physical sensations are something that happen quite often in OBE's. I can't explain it any other way, other than simply feeling an object physically, as though I'm in my physical body. It's something that doesn't happen in normal dreams, and is definitely another facet of OBE's that sets them apart from normal dream-time.

The necklace was a silver book, hung on a silver chain. The book had actual pages that I could turn. The words in-scripted in the pages, I can't remember too clearly. It said something to the effect of, "HERE IN THIS BOOK IS..." and the last page was especially important, although I can't remember what it said.

I had the sense the book had written in it, my "True Name". (or soul name) A spirit's True Name is the name belonging to spirit, and stays with the soul regardless of it's incarnations.

A Water-World Outside my Window

(An old one, from Jan. 11th, 2005)

Note: The following was written just after I had the experience. My writing just four years ago was pretty bad, so I've tried to make a few corrections without distorting what I wrote. I've added a few other notes throughout the written account, which are the text in slant.

After "waking" into some other-realm, I lifted out of my physical body to float around my bedroom. Visibility was very low to black. I could see my bedroom in bits and pieces. I flew through a wall into the living room, very fast. Things kept fading into black, keeping me from being able to see what was around me. Then, I found myslef back in my physical body for a moment, although still seeing through astral eyes. (This is known as remote viewing)

Willing myself to see clearly, I said, "No, I am in control of this experience, and I want to see everything." After I decided this, I shot out of my body again, and flew through my bedroom wall outside, and into the courtyard of my apartment building.

The other side was bright, and full of vibrant color. I could physically feel the sun, warm on my cheeks. My apartment building was the only thing that remained on this plane. (By "plane" I was referring to the astral realm I'd then found myself a part of.)

Looking straight out on to the horizon, I saw one of the most beautiful places I'd ever seen. This "world" was completely covered in bright turquoise water, except for a few small of islands, and looking behind me, my apartment building.

I accidentally lost navigation of my body, and rose very high into the air. I could see an aerial view of this world. It was ALL water, and small islands.

Once I forced my body to navigate correctly, I flew down to a small bay on one of the islands. I turned back to look at my apartment building which was much smaller now because of distance, but was still there. At the bay I'd landed on, were beach chairs scattered across the beach. There were people lounging on them. I think there was music playing.

I remember loving this experience at this point. All senses were full blast. I could physically feel the warmth of the sun. I could hear music. I could feel the sensation of the waves lapping up against my ankles. No one took notice of me. I walked around the bay, which was small and only took a couple minutes getting to it's other side. I could feel my body being pulled slightly back to the apartment. I said out loud, "No. I want to stay." I dove into the waters. I was able to see through the water, and breath underwater. The water it's self was clean, and crystal clear.

I remember thinking to myself, "Wow! I'm swimming. I can't believe I'm in the water." I could physically feel the wetness of the water. While under, I saw strange looking sea creatures that weren't creatures of earth. One, I remember looked like a huge eel, but it had rough skin like an alligator. It had to be about 20 feet long. I made eye contact with it - It was the only being that seemed to take notice to my presence the entire time, it's presence was friendly and docile.

I came out of the water, and back onto the sand. Then for one instant, (maybe 2 seconds) I was in my bed again. As a result of this glitch, I willed myself back to the beach again, and within that instant, I was back where I was standing before I disappeared.

I ran along the beach to a waterfall, that looked as if it was completely made of tile. I got the sense it served as some sort of a public bathing place. It was there that I saw a man standing near the waterfall. He was a normal looking man, except he had giant blue and red fish gills on the sides of his head, where his ears should have been. It was at that very moment, I came to a concrete understanding of where I was.

In one instant, as if I was receiving information, I thought, "Oh I understand now. This place exists, right where I am standing, and my apartment building acted as a door to any given random place. This place is here. ...and if my world were to mix with this one, my building would stand right where it is, and this beach, right where it is."

Then, I was thrown back into my body. For a second, I was still etheric. (I could see through my closed eyelids.) (Or using "astral eyes" as I referred to it earlier)

I woke up wondering if I was really waking-up physically, or if I was still in the OBE. I bit my tongue to make sure. (something I do after OBE's) "Yes, I'm awake." I thought, and looked at the clock. 10:20am. I smiled and went back to sleep. But first I promised myself I would write this one down later.